My dear Theo,
You’ll be busy with the Salon1 — I deliberately kept a stamp so that I could write to you again if need be.
I’ve written to friend Rappard,2 but no answer yet of course — in normal circumstances he sometimes waits a month before replying.
If you’re hard pressed, send less than the usual if need be, but send it as soon as possible.  1v:2
I’ve made an appointment with Van der Weele to go painting in the dunes next week. He’s to explain some things I don’t yet know about.
I worked in the dunes these last few days but I long for a model, I can’t get on otherwise.
In short, I’m a little worried. So write as soon as possible — apart from that, I’m making fairly good progress with the work, and I believe you would approve of some of the drawings I’m working on.
I hope things go your way a bit, old chap — for I understand that things are  1r:3 difficult for you too. Good fortune with everything — adieu, I must start work — outdoors.

Ever yours,

I’ll write to you in more detail about a few things soon. The woman appears to have something that’s connected to what I told you about her mother, it may be nothing, it may be something. I don’t know myself as yet, but I’m worried about this too. Write soon, old chap — for it’s very nasty to be completely broke. And makes small things become malignant sometimes.