1. Theo had last written on 18 February 1882 (see letter 208).
2. Theo did not in fact travel to the Netherlands until August (see letter 253).
3. This must be the small watercolour Vincent sent to Theo with letter 203.
4. It is not clear which drawing this refers to. Cf. in this context the watercolour Barren field (F 904 / JH 98).
5. Man sitting by the fireplace (‘Worn out’) (F 863 / JH 34 [2345]).
6. This pronouncement occurs in Edmond and Jules de Goncourt’s biography of Gavarni. See Goncourt 1873, p. 67. Gavarni’s La mascarade humaine likewise contains the words: ‘To be true is what remains. In six words, it is the fullest and widest of professions of faith. A few days later, Gavarni wrote this other sentence: It is from life that we must paint everything’ (Il reste à être vrai. C’est en cinq mots la plus complète et la plus large des professions de foi. Gavarni, quelques jours après, écrit cette autre phrase: C’est d’après la nature qui faut tout peindre’). Gavarni 1881, p. 6. In letter 302 Van Gogh says that he owns this book.
7. The only two known drawings from this period in which a child is depicted are Girl standing, knitting (F 983 / JH 107 [2356]) and Girl sitting, knitting (F 984 / JH 108 [2357]).
[2356] [2357]