1. Van Gogh was in Brussels from October 1880 to April 1881 (see letters 160-165).
2. It is not known which drawing this was, but later in the letter it appears to have been a figure drawing from a female model, done in watercolour on Whatman paper (cf. also letter 206).
3. Van Gogh must mean that he wants to heighten the colour, which sometimes causes the paint to become too thick and not transparent enough.
4. Mauve’s Fishing boat on the beach [239] was presented at the 1882 Salon. Apparently the canvas had previously been intended for the Paris Salon but was not exhibited there; he had made sketches of the motif six years earlier. Regarding this work, see letter 194, n. 5.
5. ‘A winter’ is too vague an indication to permit identification of this work.
6. It is not known which drawings are referred to here.
7. Nothing has been discovered about this model used by David Adolph Constant Artz. This figure drawing was presumably made at Pulchri (cf. letter 202, n. 1).
8. A daalder is 1.50 guilders.
9. From letter 204 it emerges that Theo could not have any money from Goupil until the inventory was completed.