My dear Theo,
I’m enclosing a word or two because they’re writing to you,1 for I thought you’d like to hear from me as well once in a while about what I’m actually doing.
If it isn’t raining, I go outdoors every day, usually on the heath.
I’m making my studies quite large, like a few you saw here during your visit.2
So I’ve done, among other things, a hut on Het Heike and also that barn with a moss-covered roof in Roosendaalseweg, which here they call the Protestant barn.3 Perhaps you’ll recall what I mean.
Then the mill nearby, in the meadow opposite,4 and the elm trees in the cemetery.5
And also one with woodcutters working in a wide open space where a large pine-wood has been cut down.6 I’m also trying to draw the implements, such as a cart, plough, harrow, wheelbarrow &c. &c.7
The one with the woodcutters turned out the best, and I think it would please you.
Perhaps Rappard will be coming here for a while this summer, I’ve had a letter from him.8
In thought a handshake, and believe me

Ever yours,