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167 To Theo van Gogh. Etten, second half of May 1881.

No. 167 (Brieven 1990 166, Complete Letters 145)
From: Vincent van Gogh
To: Theo van Gogh
Date: Etten, second half of May 1881

Source status
Original manuscript

Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. b165 V/1962

As emerges from the topographical details in ll. 9-11, this letter was written in Etten, some time after Theo’s visit at Easter. In letter 166 of on or about 30 April or 1 May, the plans for Van Rappard’s visit are not yet mentioned, which means that the present letter must have been written between 1 May and Van Rappard’s visit. Assuming that the first line of the letter implies that the brothers had not been in contact for some time, it is not likely that the letter was written in the first half of May; and because Van Rappard’s visit is still uncertain, it is not likely to date from shortly before his actual visit in June. We have therefore dated the letter to the secondhalf of May 1881.

On the back of the letter Theo made a list of names and amounts (in pencil). See letter 434 for a similar list.

original text
Waarde Theo,
Ik voeg een woordje bij omdat er aan U wordt geschreven1 want ik dacht ge ook van mij wel eens wildet hooren wat ik eigentlijk uitvoer.
Als het niet regent ga ik elken dag naar buiten, meest op de hei.
Ik maak mijn studies nog al vrij groot zoo als gij er reeds een paar gezien hebt bij Uw bezoek.2
Zoo heb ik o.a. een hut op het Heike gemaakt & ook die schuur met mosdak op den Roozendaalschen weg die ze hier de Protestantsche schuur noemen.3 Gij zult U mogelijk herinneren wat ik bedoel.
Dan de molen daar vlak tegenover op dat weiland4 & de olmboomen op het kerkhof.5
En ook nog een met houthakkers die bezig zijn op eene uitgestrekte vlakte alwaar een groot mastbosch is geveld.6 En verder tracht ik zoo de werktuigen te teekenen als kar, ploeg, eg, kruiwagen &c. &c.7
Die met de houthakkers is nog het best uitgevallen en zou denk ik U bevallen.
Misschien komt Rappard dezen zomer nog eenigen tijd hier, ik heb een brief van hem.8
In gedachten een handdruk en geloof mij

tout à toi

My dear Theo,
I’m enclosing a word or two because they’re writing to you,1 for I thought you’d like to hear from me as well once in a while about what I’m actually doing.
If it isn’t raining, I go outdoors every day, usually on the heath.
I’m making my studies quite large, like a few you saw here during your visit.2
So I’ve done, among other things, a hut on Het Heike and also that barn with a moss-covered roof in Roosendaalseweg, which here they call the Protestant barn.3 Perhaps you’ll recall what I mean.
Then the mill nearby, in the meadow opposite,4 and the elm trees in the cemetery.5
And also one with woodcutters working in a wide open space where a large pine-wood has been cut down.6 I’m also trying to draw the implements, such as a cart, plough, harrow, wheelbarrow &c. &c.7
The one with the woodcutters turned out the best, and I think it would please you.
Perhaps Rappard will be coming here for a while this summer, I’ve had a letter from him.8
In thought a handshake, and believe me

Ever yours,
1. This letter must have been sent with a letter, which has not survived, written by Mr and Mrs van Gogh to Theo.
2. For Theo’s visit, see letter 166.
3. Het Heike (St. Willibrorddorp) lies about 3 km south-west of Etten. The first drawing could be Landscape with a hut, 45.5 x 61 cm (F 842 / JH 5). The second drawing mentioned, that of the ‘Protestant Barn’ in Roosendaalseweg remains unidentified. Hut (F 875 / JH 4) probably dates from the Brussels period (cf. the related drawing Winter F 1235 / JH C.B.).
4. This drawing of the so-called ‘Molen van Coppens’ (the mill was demolished in 1974) in Roosendaalseweg is not known. The mill depicted in Landscape with a windmill (F 843 / JH 6) is De Oranjeboom in Spuiweg in Dordrecht.
5. The cemetery next to the Dutch Reformed Church; regarding the three locations mentioned, see Kerstens 1990, pp. 17-18. This drawing is not known.
6. This drawing is not known.
7. These drawings of farm implements are not known.
8. Van Rappard actually visited Van Gogh in June; see letter 168.