1. Van Gogh had moved and had entered the employ of Thomas Slade-Jones, whose school ‘Holme Court’ (now ‘Garvin House’) was at 158 Twickenham Road; William Port Stokes’s school (‘Linkfield House’) was in the same street, at no. 183. See exhib. cat. London 1992, pp. 12-13 (with ill.).
2. For the engravings Christus Consolator [1773] and Christus Remunerator [1774], see letter 85, n. 7. Rhy. ps. 25:4, with the variant ‘overtuiging’ (persuasion) instead of ‘onderwijzing’ (teaching).
[1773] [1774]
3. Luke 4:18-19 (in KJ Luke 4:18); regarding the print, see letter 85, n. 7.
4. The Dutch Reformed (‘Nederlands-Hervormde’) catechist Johannes Hillen lived at Bagijnestraat 31 – in any case until some time in 1870 (GAH, Adresboeken 1870-1871); he later moved to Juffrouw Idastraat 20. ‘In der tijd’ (back then) refers to Van Gogh’s years in The Hague, from July 1869 until May 1873.
5. Ps. 37:37.
6. This drawing is no longer known.
7. Co-workers at Goupil’s; see letter 19, n. 11.
8. For a short time there was talk of Van Gogh’s teaching at the schools of both Stokes and Slade-Jones; on 6 July 1876, Mr van Gogh wrote to Theo: ‘Yesterday evening we received another letter from Vincent. Thank God! Better news. He made the acquaintance of another gentleman, a schoolmaster at a somewhat more distinguished school, who did appear to want him and would ask Mr Obach for a reference. Vincent meanwhile told this to Mr Stokes, who is now offering him 25 shillings a month, and paid him 1 month in advance. It’s not a lot of money, but encouraging nonetheless, and now, if Stokes gives him the time, Vincent can give 2 lessons a week at that other school as well – it’s a start. May God bless him! He was completely disheartened. He sent back the 25 guilders I sent him, and asked me to save it for travelling expenses at Christmas. I hasten to tell you this now, because I’m so very grateful for this, even though it’s only a modest start. I found it so terribly discouraging for him, earning nothing and not knowing if anyone took an interest in him – feeling that is something I always find so extremely difficult’ (FR b2757).