1. ‘Theo had fallen on the slippery street and had seriously injured his foot’, according to Jo van Gogh-Bonger in Brieven 1914, p. 46. On 11 December Theo’s father expressed his concern: ‘We are anxious to hear what effect the water glass [sodium silicate] bandage has had, and whether you’re rid of the iron machine. But old chap! Take care! And don’t take any chances! It’s better to lie on your back yet a while than to be forced to sit any longer’ (FR b2379).
2. Jules Breton, Les champs et la mer (1875); see letter 34.
3. Johannes van Gogh, a brother of Mr van Gogh.
4. Biblical: see, for example, Ps. 19:11 (in KJ Ps. 19:10) and Isa. 13:12.