1. Nine of the quotations copied out on these sheets are translations by Bernhard van Meurs of poems by Ludwig Uhland. They are included in Het leven van Ludwig van Uhland en vertalingen uit zijn dichtbundel, Nijmegen 1877. (Abbreviated below as Van Meurs 1877). There are several textual discrepancies, mostly small ones, and differences in punctuation. Those variants may indicate that Van Gogh used a slightly earlier edition. He occasionally omitted lines or stanzas. The first poem is ‘Het Orgel’ (Van Gogh uses the title ‘Avondzang’ (Evening song)). Van Meurs 1877, p. 130. Van Gogh quoted the German version in two of his poetry albums. See Pabst 1988, pp. 34 and 45. The source text has ‘Mijn hart’ (My heart) in line 4.
2.Zucht naar heiliging’ (A longing for sanctification) is to be found in César Malan, De harpe Sions. Een honderdtal liederen voor piano of orgel, voor den huisselijken kring. Freely adapted by J.J.L. ten Kate. Utrecht 1868, no. 19 (unpaginated); cf. letter 90, n. 16.
a. The source text has ‘heeten’.
3. ‘Ik weet ... loflied toe’ (I know in Whom my trust is founded) is hymn 180:5.
4. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘De pelgrimstogt’. Van Meurs 1877, pp. 95-98. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh omitted ‘En juublende zangen’ (between lines 53 and 54) from the source text, wrote ‘zijn’ instead of ‘mijn’ (l. 73 and 75), ‘zijgt’ instead of ‘zinkt’ (l. 76), and ‘Zacht’ instead of ‘Zoet’ (l. 104). The poem was also published in De Katholiek. Godsdienstig-, geschiedkundig en letterkundig Maandschrift 69, Nieuwe reeks, derde deel, Leiden 1876, pp. 124-127. Van Gogh quoted five stanzas from the German version (‘Der Pilger’) in one of his poetry albums. See Pabst 1988, p. 42.
5. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Een geluk in de kindsheid’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 152. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.
6. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Lied van een gevangene’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 150. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh quoted only the first of the two stanzas.
7. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘De koning op het torenplat’. Van Meurs 1877, pp. 141-142. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. The source text has ‘ook’ instead of ‘steeds’ (l. 160).
8. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Een wintermorgen’. Van Meurs 1877, pp. 151-152. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.
9. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘De leeuweriken’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 157. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. The last two lines in the source text read ‘Eén belust op tierelier / Fladdert in mijn binnenst’ hier!’ (l. 193-194).
10. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Het kerkhof in de lente’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 153. Translated from Ludwig Uhland. Van Gogh quotes the first and third stanzas but omits the three lines of the second stanza, probably because of their harsh tone: ‘Ach, ik vrees dat straks de dood / Naar uw vunzen donkren schoot / Een der mijnen weg zal dragen’ (Oh, I fear that death / Will soon take one of mine / To your dark and filthy lap).
11. Bernhard van Meurs, ‘Avondwolken’. Van Meurs 1877, p. 164. Translated from Ludwig Uhland.